Das sagen Kunden, Mitstreiter und Partner*innen über mich
“I started working with Karry in 2022 to develop our first sustainability report. She took the lead in managing the overall project, which included gathering data, interviewing colleagues, conceptualizing the report’s structure, and writing the content. She ensured that the report referenced relevant standards such as GRI and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). One of the key complexities of this project was integrating data and information from five entities across three countries within the Catexel Group.
Working with Karry has been a great pleasure. She is highly goal-oriented and adept at converting relevant data into sustainability reports that are concise and reader-friendly. Most importantly, our customers have expressed their appreciation for Catexel’s sustainability reports!
After successfully collaborating on two sustainability reports (2022 and 2023), we are looking forward to continue our partnership with her to further elevate Catexel’s sustainability program to a high standard.”
Prof. Dr. Ronald Hage, Director R&D, Catexel
“Every now and then you meet people who are stars and a pleasure to work with. Karry is certainly one of them: competent, reliable, focussed, reaching out when issues arise and proactive in addressing challenges. Karry has built not only deep knowledge about the B Corp certification, but also an effective model how to support companies on a sustainability journey that works for them. While Karry was a freelancer she always felt part of our core B Lab team because she contributed way beyond just being given a scope of work. I very much hope our professional paths cross again in the future.”
Iris Lapinski, Former Managing Director B Lab Deutschland
“Karry designed, facilitated and provided an initial key note for a workshop on the topic of „Zero Waste“ for our annual conference. The challenge was to design the workshop with little prior knowledge of the setting and to host it multiple times within a very limited time constraint. Throughout the process, she manoeuvred the challenges confidently while making sure the participants were engaged and left the workshop inspired to implement of Zero Waste Practices in their hotels. It was great (and a lot of fun) working with Karry and we already plan the next workshop series together.”
Elin Kann, Director Sustainability & Culture, Design Hotels
“I have worked with Karry for more than 10 years now. In our endeavour to build Expansion.eco and its predecessors from scratch, Karry has taken the responsibility for the solid foundation it now has. With her passion for creating impact, as well as her deep understanding of subject matter, Karry is an invaluable asset to any team or project that is looking to build a sustainable future. While being hands-on and highly empathetic, asking questions is Karrys middle name. Be sure that she keeps on digging until all the answers are on the table.
I highly recommend working with Karry and I am looking forward to continuing doing so in the future.”
Johanna Mager, Co-Founder/MD, Expansion.eco GmbH
“Karry hat uns mit ihrem tiefen Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz im Bereich der B Corp-Zertifzierung als Beraterin und Sparringspartnerin auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Zertifizierung begleitet. Sie hat uns geholfen das komplexe B Impact Assessment in handlungsorientierte Schritte herunterzubrechen, die richtigen Maßnahmen zu identifizieren und zu priorisieren und es ermöglicht, dass unser Geschäftsmodell bestmöglich im Assessment widergespiegelt ist. Die Zusammenarbeit empfanden wir stets als angenehm und respektvoll. Besonders wissen wir Karrys lösungsorientierte, unkomplizierte und freundliche Art zu schätzen.”
Sophie Hechinger, ehem. Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin, mymuesli AG